Workshop for Junior Researchers 28.-29. of August 2010
During the Interdisciplinary Summer School a Workshop for Junior Computational Linguists, Language related CogSci or Information Science Researchers (Pre- and PostDoc) will be held. Junior researcher's are invited to present their ongoing research activities to a broader audience of colleagues.
We invite all interested Junior researchers, who are attending the Summer School CLS 2010 at the University of Zadar, as well as those who might be interested in participating at the workshop only, to submit their abstract in the broad domains of: Computational Linguistics, Language related Cognitive Science, Language and Corpus Linguistics related Information Science.
Abstracts are maximally 2 pages, and should be submitted as PDF, Word DOC, or OpenOffice document. Please make sure that fonts, graphics and charts are visible across platforms, and that they do not require specific installation or adaptation of software. The Abstract submission site (EasyAbs, Linguist List) can be found at the following URL:
Please do not submit any abstracts to the summer school email address or the organizers directly.
Selected papers will be published in proceedings.
The participation at the workshop (and the summer school) will be certified and might count for credits in your program and at your institution (please verify this with your institution and administration in advance).
Important dates:
- Abstract submission: From 26. of June till 25. of July 2010
- Review dates: From 25.-30. of July 2010