Location: University of Zadar (Google maps, Microsoft Maps Live)
Time: 3
rd-6th of September 2009

Poster: SLS 2009
Book of abstracts: cover, content

The SLS 2009 has its own Google Group. There you can discuss with other participants topics around travel arrangements, accommodation and other things. The group is open for everybody (for reading), and to registered members for writing, so be careful with personal data!
There is also an Online calendar with important dates, or use this URL for subscription to your Outlook, iCal, Sunbird, or mobile device: ./SLS%202009.ics

Important dates:
  • Final abstract submission: 20th of July 2009
  • Early registration deadline: 25th of July 2009

We invite you to submit an abstract to the fourth meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, to be held on the campus of The University of Zadar, in beautiful Zadar, Croatia, 3rd-6th September 2009.

Keynote speakers:

The purpose of SLS is to create a community of students and scholars interested in Slavic linguistics, that is, the systematic and scholarly study of the Slavic languages. The Society aspires to be as open and inclusive as possible; no school, framework, approach, or theory is presupposed, nor is there any restriction in terms of geography, academic affiliation or status.

Papers dealing with any aspect of Slavic linguistics and within any framework are appropriate, as well as those that represent cross-disciplinary approaches (sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, language acquisition, etc.). The only restriction is that all papers should address an issue pertaining to Slavic linguistics. All talks will be for 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion. We encourage everyone to participate and ask you to share this announcement with as many colleagues and students as possible.

Abstracts were due by 5th of June 2009.

All abstracts were refereed and participants were notified by mid June 2009.

For more information, please consult these web pages, or send an e-mail to: …@…

We also invite you to visit the Society's webpage.

Annual membership in SLS is $40.00. The student membership rate is only $20.00. A reduced subscription membership of $30 is also being offered for retired, unemployed, or underemployed individuals, as well as for members under financial stress in Russia or Eastern Europe. In additional to receiving the Society's journal, members will pay reduced registration fees at the annual SLS meetings; membership in SLS is required for presentation. Memberships are primarily used to defray meeting expenses and to cover printing and mailing costs for JSL.